【澳洲技術移民職業經理人】職業評估 |AIM高級經理人職業評估 |移民乾貨 |


,澳洲技術移民簽證種類,要搞清楚自己正在使用簽證是什麼,澳洲主要技術移民簽證有兩種,是獨立技術簽證(189)及提名技術簽證(190),兩者申請人年齡、學歷、工作技能條件評分,即使申請人達到分數要求,申請人需要澳洲局提交意向書(Expression of Interest,EOI),獲當局邀請後才可申請簽證。兩者是190簽證需要額外得到個別州份提名,州份或會提出要求申請人承諾擔保地區居住年期。











澳洲管理協會 AIM (Australian Institute of Management),主要負責移民類高級經理類職業評估,另外負責485留學生臨時簽證學歷評估。




AIM 澳洲管理協會管理職業評估條件
AIM 負責高級管理職位評估,學歷、雅思無要求,核心是需要有高級管理經驗(即使是企業管理相關專業畢業,沒有管理經驗申請AIM評估)。申請人不能同時申請2個以上職業,Andy提醒申請人遞交申請要注意選擇自己職業去評估。

111211 公司總經理 Corporate General Manager :
• 具有或有三年高層管理經驗證明記錄; Have, or have held, a proven record of top management experience over a continuous period of at least three years.
• 任命為公司總經理之前,具備公司某一職能部門管理經驗; Have proven and successful experience in a functional area of management prior to being appointed to the position of Corporate General Manager
• 目前擔任公司級運營職位;Currently hold the most senior day-to-day operational position within the organization
• 直接CEO、常務董事、董事會或企業所有者報告;如果申請者公共部門工作,或直接報告部門領導;或擔任高級管理顧問,為公司CEO、常務董事或董事 會級別客户提供諮詢建議; Report directly to the CEO, Managing Director, Board of Directors or owner of the business; or/ report directly to the Head of Department if the applicant works in the public sector; or/ be a senior management consultant providing consultancy advice to client organisations at CEO, Managing Director or Board level.
• 具備委派權力來管理實現該企業財政預算產出;Have delegated authority for managing and achieving the organisation’s financial budgets and outcomes
• 對大部分職能具有決策權,並授權下屬經理,該類經理具備評估高級職能經理資格,如下:Have the decision making authority over a wide range of responsibilities through delegation to several subordinate managers who would be eligible for assessment as a senior functional manager under the criteria outlined below
• 銷售營銷經理 Sales and Marketing Manager 131112,
• 廣告經理 Advertising Manager 131113,
• 人力資源經理 Human Resource Manager 132311,
• 工程經理 Engineering Manager 133211, and
• 供給分配經理 Supply and Distribution Manager 133611
具有三年高級職能管理經驗可證明記錄,該管理職位將權利下放下屬經理,並下屬經理分配工作下屬監督,技術,技能職位人員;(A proven record in a senior functional management position over a continuous period of at least three (3) years, requiring the delegation of authority directly to several other managers who themselves hold positions requiring the delegation of work to several other subordinates in supervisory, technical or skilled positions.)

要滿足職能經理(functional manager)移民評估要求,申請者 :
• 履行其職責職能範圍內,擔任管理職位; Hold the most senior management position within the applicant’s functional area of responsibility
• 直接企業所有者、總經理或CEO/常務董事彙報;如果申請者公共部門工作,則直接該部門領導彙報;或擔任高級管理顧問,公司總經理及以上職位 客户提供諮詢建議; Report directly to the owner of the business, Corporate General Manager or CEO/Managing Director; or/ report directly to the Department Head if the applicant works within the public sector; or/ be a senior management consultant providing consultancy advice to client organisations at the level of Corporate General Manager or above
• 對行使行政,財務,數據採集及公共關係下屬理行職能權力下放,並具有決策權; Have the final decision making responsibility through the delegation of functional authority to several subordinate managers in a range of broader responsibilities such as administration, finance, data gathering and public relations
• 全面履行該企業內職能責任; Be wholly responsible for achieving his/her functional responsibilities within the organization
• 成為職能經理前,具備多方面管理經驗。 Have had a proven and successful experience in a broad range of managerial responsibilities prior to being appointed to the top functional position
部分高級管理者,側於管理為公司整體運營服務部門,同時需要將權利下放到履行相關職能下屬經理。評估中,核心要素於申請者自身以及該申請 者彙報下屬管理者管理職責廣度和深度。一個公司組織結構圖中顯示該申請者管理許多直接向其彙報理。